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Encouraging Reluctant Readers


encouraging reluctant readers

I am very excited to welcome Emily Whitten of Redeemed Reader as our guest today.  If you are struggling with a reluctant reader or even want to encourage a continued love of reading in your child, you will enjoy Emily’s post today.  I sure did!

Most parents understand the importance of reading.  We may not often make time to read ourselves, but we want to nurture that love in our kids.  I mean, we know it will make them smarter, perform better on standardized tests, and open new worlds of imagination and insight to them that they couldn’t experience any other way.  Add to that Christian parents’ desire to live up to our name as “people of the book,” and the pressure can begin to build.

If you’re feeling the pressure to help your reluctant readers, here are a few things that have helped me as a parent and literacy teacher.

1)  Take a Deep Breath andRelax!  If you’re stressed about whether your kids are reading, they will often feel stressed too.  Some kids fall into reading naturally,  but other personality types may never really love reading.  They may have to do it like they clean the toilet–only when absolutely necessary.  And that is ok.  So while you will have to push your child learn to read on some level, give him or her room not to love reading.  Sometimes, by taking the pressure off you and your child in the short run, you actually make it more likely that a love of reading will develop long term.

2) Have Age/Maturity-Appropriate Expectations.  I often meet parents who expect their kids to read far earlier than they really should.  Yet a number of experts have pointed out that kids who don’t experience structured schooling until the age of 7 or even 10 do just as well or better than their peers.  (You can read more about that in our Laid-Back Homeschooling post.)  While it’s never too early to read to your kids, sometimes even at five or six kids still don’t have the attention span and mental readiness to read well.  Make reading–even reading Bible passages which seem over their head–a regular part of their day, and then give them freedom to grow into it.  While my oldest learned to read by age four, my youngest needed a break for a few months when she was the same age.  When we tried again later, suddenly the lessons clicked and she was reading along with her sister in no time.

3) Challenge Them 10 Minutes A Day.  Whether you’re trying to teach your kids to read or to read more broadly, parents often make the twin mistakes of doing too little or too much.   Let’s face it, for a wiggly toddler, learning the rules of phonics (as in The Ordinary Parents’ Guide to Teaching Reading) can be pretty boring.  The same is true for the busy first grader; learning to enjoy new kinds of books can feel like watching paint dry.  My goal in teaching my kids how to read and later to diversify their palate has been to use ten or fifteen minutes to give them a new tool each day–no more and no less.  Like eating a bite or two of veggies, it helps give them acquire a taste for something without developing an aversion to it.

4) Get Them Bored.  Let’s face it.  Reading does not have the immediate gratification that TV, video games, and even some ebooks have.  If kids are always surrounded by a beeping, flashing, Chuck-E-Cheese-type environment, it’s unlikely they’ll sit down, pick up a book and develop a taste for reading.  So, make time in your day for your kids to be bored!  Let them spend thirty minutes in their rooms alone with stack of books each day AND give them a pile of books to take to bed at night.

5) Try Audio Book Training Wheels.  The suggestions above are great for a parent with lots of control of their child’s day.  But what about parents who, because of work or divorce, etc., only see their kids on weekends?  And what about  grandparents or aunts and uncles who see kids only on holidays?  My suggestion in these situations is to try audio books.  You can do the dramatized kind or the more traditional narrative, and you can even use movie tie-ins to peak a kid’s interest.  For instance, picking a movie the kids already love, like The Hobbit or one of the Narnia books, lets you begin with lots of mental images in their minds.  Often, kids who don’t like to read have a hard time forming the mental images that good readers do automatically, so using a movie tie-in is kind of like offering them training wheels.  They will have a lot of ready images to recall, but they won’t be able to remember the ENTIRE movie, so they’ll have to practice making their own as well.

Of course, there are plenty of other things you can do to help your reluctant readers.  Some children may need professional help if they are struggling with reading disorders.  Others may just need help associating books with fun instead of a dry, boring English class.  And while we can’t address every issue, we have touched on many more positive ways to raise readers at Redeemedreader.com.  For instance, Kristen was kind enough to help us post on How to Throw a Book-themed Party recently!

Whatever your child’s reason for reluctance, don’t give up!  Make sure you have realistic expectations, take away some of the technological stumbling blocks, and then give them room to grow into reading at their own pace.  You might be surprised at the results!

Do you know any kids who don’t enjoy reading?  Have you found any ways to encourage them?  I’d love to hear your insights!


Emily Whitten is a blogger at Redeemed Reader and a movie and book reviewer for World Magazine.  She and her husband homeschool their two young children…when she isn’t listening to indie rock on Spotify or running in order to eat more chocolate-covered espresso beans.

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The Thankful Tree


The thankful tree

Are your kids facing a little summer boredom?  Is there a little too much complaining going on? Would you like to inject a dose of thankfulness?  Then join us as we create a Thankful Tree!

Today, I am over at Motherhood On A Dime doing a simple, yet fun activity for your whole family.  Come over and join us!

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Save up to $20 with Kiwi Crate


Save up to $20 with Kiwi Crate's Back to School Sale! shop now ››


Every month, a little green box appears on our front porch.  My kids make me immediately grab the scissors to cut through the tape for a glance of what is inside.  Secretly, I’m just as curious and excited.   I know I’ll find something fun, creative and educational waiting for my kids, carefully packed inside the new Kiwi Crate box.

I love Kiwi Crate and that is why I wanted to quickly tell you about their August Back to School sale.  You can get up to $20 off a new subscription.  A monthly subscription is $19.95 per month or $16.95 if you pay for 12 months at once.  But with this sale, if you purchase 12 months upfront, you will only be paying $15.25 per month, a $20 savings.  Other discounts are being offered for other subscription plans.  Incredible value packed in one very amazing box!

Learn more and Save up to $20 on a new Kiwi Crate subscription!

(This post contains my affiliate link.  Please see my Disclosure Policy on the About Page for more information.)

The post Save up to $20 with Kiwi Crate appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

Takeaways from the Bloggy Conference 2013


New Bloggy Conference 2013 Banner

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Bloggy Conference at Cedar Point.  I was very excited to be able to take my family with me and make it mini-vacation as well.

However, about fours before we were supposed to leave, we decided that it would be better for my husband to stay home to deal with work obligations and write his 7 & 2 page papers for his MBA class.  Thankfully, my wonderful mom stepped in and took his place.  And it all worked out, especially when you hear how the weekend wrapped up. . . 

Here are some of the highlights and takeaways from the Bloggy Conference 2013:

* Amy Latta from One Artsy Mama spoke on building and engaging your community.  She shared lots of great tips and ideas on how to engage our readers.  ”Community means more than what happens on our blogs.”  (<<Click to Tweet)

* Blogging conferences are a great place to network and meet other bloggers.  Not only do you hear from successful bloggers speaking and teaching at the conference, but the time you spend at meals or before a session chatting with other people is invaluable!  I met some great bloggers that I hope to connect with more.

* I learned that even 20 minutes with Dan Morris talking SEO would have been worth the price of admission.  I seriously left this session both invigorated to tackle the world of SEO and a little like my head was going to explode!  You can find Dan at Blogging Concentrated and Common Sense Revenue.

Hotel Breakers on Lake Erie Cedar Point

* Taking time to getaway, even if you’re learning and ‘working’ through part of it can still be a great opportunity to be refreshed and renewed for your week ahead.  I came back with more energy to tackle my list.

* Thrilling your kids is always fun!  This was my children’s first trip to Cedar Point.  There are a ton of kiddie rides and my kids loved it.  But I have to say some of my favorite moments were taking my son on a couple of the bigger roller coasters for the first time.

On Saturday night, we returned for a second ride on the Iron Dragon . . . in the dark, mind you.  (My son is as tall as most 7 year olds but only 5 years old, so I was a bit nervous that he would be scared.)  Though he was intent on doing it.  The best fun was seeing his face when we were about to exit through the gate after the ride.  I called for him and we did a quick u-turn right back into the queue to ride again.  Hugs and kisses for mama!  . . . and we sat in the front seat.


The Bloggy Conference 2013 had wonderful sponsors!  Special thanks to:

And by the way:  The new Honda Odyssey has a built-in vacuum in the back of the van!  No kidding!  Do you know how much my car needs this?  I tried it and loved it!  Honda also presented 10 awesome tips for the perfect pitch to brands.

* A huge thank you to Tiffany Noth of Bloggy Moms for organizing such a great conference!


It was a fun weekend until about 10 minutes after we got on the highway and heard this awful loud noise that stopped only when I braked.  Then came the horrible smell.  Well, more to come on Wednesday about that.  But for the time being, you can check out the picture I posted on Twitter (with my little Honda bear that may win me some fun prizes).

 >The rest of the story . . . 

Have you been to a blogging conference?  What did you enjoy most?  

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8 Lessons Learned from 3 Days in Bed


8 Lessons Learned from 3 Days in Bed

Aside from two doctors appointments, I have been in bed for the last three days.  Minutes, hours and days in bed.  Even today, I am improving but after getting breakfast for the kids, I felt the need to go back and lay down.

You see, I have a herniated disc in my back (and enlarged facets, but who’s counting).  This is nothing new.  I’ve dealt with it for the last seven or eight years.  I have been through rounds of physical therapy, multiple nerve blocks and have really just learned to ‘manage’ it.  I am usually quite careful with what I do, although if you ask my husband, not careful enough.

Last Saturday, we stained the upper deck and some of the lower.  Did you see my Tweet and picture about the monster grill in my kitchen?  I used an awesome deck staining tool, but not so awesome for bad backs.  And if you’re wondering why Dan didn’t do that part, it was because he sprained his ankle on Friday playing basketball.  He could barely walk.

It wasn’t that I damaged my back by staining, I weakened it.  So in the shower Sunday morning while trying to wash the massive amounts of stain off my toes, my back went out.  The pain was excruciating.

And hence, the last three days in bed.  But at least I’m learning some things.  Here is what I have to share:

1.  There is absolutely nothing good on TV in the afternoon.  Thankfully, my dvr has been occupying a good deal of my time.

2.  Bottles of water brought by your sweet 4 year old daughter taste the best.  

3.  A whole day in bed = the worst bed head ever, even with showers.

4.  It can be hard to sit out on things you wanted to participate in.  Pain helps you not care as much, but I still cried that I wouldn’t be able to be a parent helper for my son’s first field trip and watch him get on his first school bus.  He was so excited that he would be able to ride the bus and I was going to miss it.

5.  The jump to anger is far too easy.  Especially on the first day in bed, I was angry.  This was messing up not only everything I had planned and wanted to get done, but I don’t like being limited.  I also know that this kind of unrelenting pain probably means that laying in bed for a few days won’t solve it.  MRI’s, more rounds of physical therapy, maybe even surgery (ahh!) will be necessary and encroach on my life.

I surprised myself with just how quickly I jumped to anger over this.  But like most other emotions, I had to submit to the Lord and yield.  Sure, He allowed this to happen, but His ways are not my ways.  Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.  ’As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’”  I can rest in the fact that He loves me, cares for me, knows the big picture and will help me through.

6.  There are far more people in worse situations.  Over the last few days, I have thought of a friend who is on bed rest because of complications with pregnancy and the risk of losing her baby.  I thought of another friend fighting cancer with two little kids and how she is spending a lot of time in bed because of the discomfort and fatigue.  My short-term bed rest can’t compare.

7.  Accepting help becomes a necessity.  It can be hard to accept help from others.  But some situations will leave you without other options.  I am accepting it and being grateful for it.

8.  Grace.  Grace in the messes that are being created around the house, the dishes that are piling up in the sink.  Grace for the situation that keeps me from keeping up.  Those things just have to wait and it.is.ok.

So…You may not see me around as much in the next couple days.  I’m not sure how long until I am up and ‘running.’  (That is actually funny, because if you know me at all, you know I don’t run, even on good days!)  And I may not post as frequently on all the social media networks . . . and that I’m finding is ok, too.

Have you ever had to stay in bed for an extended period of time?  Tell me, what did you learn?  



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Cool Science Experiment for Kids: Create an Afterimage


creating an afterimage

Did you know that our eyes have the ability to retain an image even after it is gone?  This is called an AFTERIMAGE.  And in just a few steps, you and your kids can be playing and learning together.

What you’ll need to create an afterimage:

  • Notecards
  • Colored Pencils or Markers
  • Tape
  • Skewers (or pencils work, too!)

Read the rest at Motherhood On A Dime, where I am guest posting today!

The post Cool Science Experiment for Kids: Create an Afterimage appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

Are You Just Getting By? Notes from a Blue Bike Review & Giveaway



You would think that after coming back from vacation that I would be feeling peaceful, rested and ready to jump back in to my busy life.  But even if we hadn’t had such a miserably sick week on vacation, I would still not be ready.

Before we left, I read a great book and a little light came on in a corner of a pretty room that I long to visit.  I can picture the room . . . it has two comfy chairs, the softest of blankets, pretty lighting and no technology.  It is the “slow” room.  It is a the spot to connect with others.  It is the place to forget lists, productivity and remember life.

You see, I am tired of not getting to housework because my plate is too full.  I am tired of stretching myself out so that I am always exhausted.  I am tired of seeing my kitchen counter littered with the latest and greatest scraps, bills and paperwork.  I am flying through life and focusing too much on productivity.

I long to slow down and live intentionally.  How about you?

Enter Tsh Oxenreider’s new book, Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World.  Tsh is the founder and main voice of of The Art of Simple (formerly SimpleMom).  I had met Tsh at Allume 2012 and also really enjoyed her other book, Organized Simplicity.  This book did not disappoint.

Notes from a Blue Bike is full of charming stories and convictions on living intentionally.  Rich with details and anecdotes, Tsh pulls from her time living abroad as she compares the traditional rushed life of the west.

She inspires her readers to live counter-culture and to elevate what it is that is most important to each person.

Here are two of my favorite quotes:

“They, too, craved a more meaningful life, a life that made margin for doing nothing, for not bowing down to calendars, for saying yes to long walks with their kids and cooking seasonally from scratch because there was time. . . . As though we were somehow made for a slower life.”

“Here stood a tangible symbol of the very meaning of working with intention – knowing both my gifts and my limits, my calling and my opportunities that need a “no,” and being at peace with understanding the difference.  To give myself the time and freedom to create my best art, and to confidently turn down those roles and opportunities that aren’t the best fit.”

Living intentionally may very well mean living counter-culture.  My kids won’t be in every sport possible.  I won’t be saying yes to everything that sounds like a fun idea.  I will be more selective, more deliberate and more intentional.  Filtering the vast choices of our society through the goals and dreams I have for my family.

 Notes from a Blue Bike GIVEAWAY

Would you like to win a copy of this book?  Leave a comment telling me why you need to slow down and live more intentionally.  I’ll pick a winner at random on Monday, February 24, 2014.

UPDATE:  Congratulations Denise H, winner of the giveaway!

This post is part of the Blue Bike Blog Tour, which I’m thrilled to be part of. To learn more and join us, head here.

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Stop Thumb Sucking


stop thumb sucking

Do you have a thumb sucker in the house?  We did until up until a couple months ago.  My daughter sucked her thumb only at night when she was holding her sweet teddy bear, the trigger.

I couldn’t bear the thought of taking away her beloved teddy so I tried something else.  I began telling my daughter that soon it would be time to stop, in a very matter-of-fact kind of way.  She was getting too big to be sucking her and her dentist was all over us to get her to stop.

Part of the plan was actually her idea, which helped significantly in the process. Sweet Girl’s idea was to paint her finger nails every day and then she wouldn’t suck her thumb.  I thought this was brilliant.  Previously, I had to leave her thumb un-painted so she wouldn’t be swallowing toxic polish.

I made a chart to track her progress and provide a reward when she was finished.  Since it is believed that it takes 21 days to break a habit, the chart had 21 squares.  Each morning that she awoke and hadn’t sucked her thumb, she was able to (and this was key for the mental connection) put a thumbprint in the square.

I don’t know if she was more thrilled about filling a square or getting to coat her thumb in green ink, but it worked.  At the end of the 21 days, she received a Rapunzel dress that I had in the kitchen for the entire 3 weeks for her to see and desire.  It is good to see what you’re working towards, right?

She quit sucking her thumb cold turkey… that is until her daddy told her last week that she could suck her thumb while she was sick.  Umm, hello?  I think this will just take some gentle coaching.  But if it continues, the ink pad will make another appearance.

Stopping your child’s thumb sucking is definitely worth celebrating!  :)

How have you been successful in getting your child to stop thumb sucking?  

The post Stop Thumb Sucking appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

Setting Summer Goals With Your Kids


Setting Summer Goals with Your Kids - Free Printable

I am a huge goal-setter and list-maker.  I love having a plan and knowing where I am going . . . well, most of the time.  One thing I have never done, however, is write goals with my kids.

Being a big believer in letting kids be kids, I didn’t want to overwhelm them or go crazy with a long list of goals.  But since it is summer and we’ll enjoy so much freedom, I thought we’d work together to pick out 5 simple goals.  (I think my 6 year old son is ready for this, more so than my 4 year old daughter.  But she’ll want to do what her big brother does, of course.)

We will be setting goals in these areas:  intellectual, physical, spiritual and service, plus an extra learning quest for fun.

My Summer Goals..

Download the FREE Printable and read the rest of the post (including tips for setting goals with your kids) at Motherhood On A Dime where I am guest posting today.

>>Go Here>>


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Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide


Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide

Does your family enjoy Family Movie Nights?  I love settling down and watching a movie with the kids.  Some of my favorite movie nights are the movies I saw as a child. Watching my kids see a classic for the first time is exciting and for me, like seeing it again with fresh eyes.

Not too long ago, we hosted a Wizard of Oz Family Movie Night party.  Be sure to check out all the fun, themed snacks and colorful decorations.  Yes, I get carried away but for me, the creativity is half the fun.

Yet beyond serving great snacks and enjoying the movie itself, family movie nights provide a terrific opportunity to discuss predominant themes in the movie, the good and bad choices of the characters and even add a biblical worldview interpretation.

It is a natural opportunity to delve into discussion with your kids.  Find out what part your kids liked and didn’t like.  Ask how we can be a better friend to others?  What should we do when we face disappointment?

To make it easier, I have put together this free printable, a Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide.  [Download the Guide Here]

Simply download, print and turn your family movie night into a teachable moment.

Now, off to see the Wizard.

Free Download:  Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide
See the Party:  Wizard of Oz Family Movie Night Party

The post Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

Why Do Leaves Change Colors? A Science Experiment with Kids


why do leaves change colors - science experiment for kids


“Why do leaves change colors?”  Have your kids ever asked you this question?  I’ll admit, I had forgotten the scientific reason and copped out to the simple explanation of the change in seasons.  I might have also used my awesome go-to answer, “Because God made it that way.”  

And while completely true, it may be interesting to discover more deeply how He set up the leaves to change colors every Fall.  So let’s put our proverbial science goggles on and learn why we see the lovely orange, yellow and red leaves of Autumn.

What You’ll Need:

  • Spinach
  • Plastic Punch Cup
  • Spoon
  • Nail Polish Remover
  • One Coffee Filter
  • Scissors
  • Pen or Pencil

To see the Experiment, join me over at Motherhood On A Dime where I am writing today.

The post Why Do Leaves Change Colors? A Science Experiment with Kids appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

Gifts that Build Faith in Children


4 gifts that build faith in children

One of my favorite times of the day with my kids comes in the evening.  Just before their bedtime, my two sweet babies and I climb into my super tall bed.  (And when I say climb, I mean CLIMB.  My mom’s guest room hosts a tall victorian 4-poster bed that even I can hardly get in.)

But that is just the beginning.  What takes place after that climb is heart-worthy, mind-training and soul-stretching.  We snuggle up together and turn through the pages of our Gospel Story Bible.  Some of our best theological discussions are started in these moments.  Questions are asked.  Thoughts are shared and hearts are taught … and not just the kids’.  It is precious time.

As a Christian mom, there are truths and values I want to teach my children while they are under my roof.  I want to inspire and build faith in their young hearts.  I want them to have a big picture of God and understand the cost of sin and the gift of grace and salvation in Jesus.  With that said, today I wanted to share with you some of our most favorite children’s Bibles and Christian cd’s.

Gifts that Build Faith in Children

Jesus Storybook Bible

Jesus Storybook Bible:  Every Story Whispers His Name

This is the most beautiful Storybook Bible I have seen.  When I first read the introduction, my mind was filled with anticipation and my eyes were filled with tears.  Every Bible story recounted connects to Jesus and indeed “whispers His name.”  The stories are beautifully told and point to the Savior.   Your kids (and you, too) will see an amazing connection to Jesus in every story read.  I love it!

Perfect for ages 4 and up.

Gospel Story Bible

Gospel Story Bible:  Discovering Jesus in the Old & New Testaments

This Storybook Bible is incredible in the presentation of Biblical stories and connecting the Gospel throughout the Old and New Testaments.  The stories are told in more detail than the previous storybook, making this a good option for children 6 and beyond.

Each story includes a “Let’s Talk About” section with three questions related to the story.  Themes of sin, grace, forgiveness and salvation permeate the book.  I feel it is providing a wonderful Gospel foundation for my kids (especially my son given his age.  My daughter at 5 loves the book but isn’t quite able to answer the deeper questions yet).


Kids Praise Collage

Kids Praise & Psalty

Did you grow up with Psalty, the Singing Songbook?  I loved listening to Psalty’s adventures with the children.  While my brother and I listened to Psalty on the (a’hem) record player, my kids now listen to his stories on CD as we drive to school and run errands around town.  I love how the songs stick with my kids even beyond the car.

Each album tells a story with challenges children face and teaches how to handle the situation from a Biblical perspective.  The music is fun, creative and filled with Scripture.  My kids are learning about praise, loving God and loving others.

hermie and friends cd

Scripture Memory Songs (Max Lucado’s Hermie and Friends)

Learning Bible verses to music is a great way to remember Scripture verbatim.  There has been many a time I sing through a song in my head that I learned as a child in order to recall a full verse.

With Max Lucado’s Hermie & Friends Scripture Memory Songs, you’ll get straight Bible verses put to music, one verse after another.  Each CD contains a different theme of verses.  It is a great way to hide God’s Word in their hearts even at a young age!

 What are your favorite tools, books or CD’s for building faith in your children?  


Disclosure:  Some of the links in this post contain my affiliate link.  Please see my Disclosure Policy for more information.  

The post Gifts that Build Faith in Children appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 1 – Light}


I am very excited to be teaming up with a great group of Christian bloggers for The Creation Story For Kids Series.  Scroll down to the bottom to check out more creative activities, crafts and experiments.

The 7 Days of Creation in LEGOS  Day 1-Light

Are your kids into Legos?  Mine are absolutely and positively crazy for them.  Building, creating and playing with them non-stop.  (Did I mention they are also everywhere?)

Legos are a great teaching tool.  Since all you need is a little imagination and assortment of bricks, you can create manipulatives for any lesson.  Enter the 7 Days of Creation in Legos!  Today’s lesson:  Creation, Day 1.

What We Used for Day 1 of Creation:

  • A Shoebox
  • Black Acrylic Paint & Foam Brush
  • White Legos*

*All the legos in our creation series came from this one box (affiliate link).

1.  Read Your Passage for the Day.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.  And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”  And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.”  Genesis 1:1-5

2.  Paint your box black.

The nothingness

When God created the world, He created it out of nothing.  The Latin phrase is “ex nihilo” (ex nee-hee-lo) and can be pretty fun to say.  Paint your box black to represent the nothingness.  God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing.


3.  Build a white design in the black box for when God created light.

white bricks represent light

build any design in legos

We used quite a bit of the white bricks from our box, but reserved a good handful for later projects.  Let your kids build a white wall and then shoot some light rays off it.

For extra fun when you’re done, turn off the lights and use a flashlight in the box.

Day One – God created light.  And it was good.

Day 1 - Light - with legos

The 7 days of creation in LEGOS.. Day 1 - Light

 Day 2 in Legos >>

The Creation Story for Kids Series – More Fun on Day 1!

Crayon Resist & Making Light Experiment from True Aim Education

Creation: Light – No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Creation Scripture Journal from Bible Fun for Kids

Creation for Kids First Day – Paper Plate Art & 3 Part Card from Walking Fruitfully

Click here to see more Creation posts on Pinterest!

creation for kids series logo 2

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 1 – Light} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 2 – Sky}


7 Days of Creation in Legos- Day 2 Sky

Welcome back to our series on the 7 Days of Creation in Legos.  If you missed yesterday, you can go here.  Today we are looking at Day 2:  Sky.  (And don’t forget to check out the other bloggers I am teaming up with for this creation series.  There are some great ideas at the bottom of the post.)

Let’s start by reading our passage:  

And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”  So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it.  And it was so.  God called the vault “sky.”  And there was evening, and there was morning – the second day.  Genesis 1:6-7

Ready to build?  We’ll be using many of our dark and light blue legos from this set (affiliate link).  Our sky may look a little strange now, but we’re preparing it to hold our lego sun, moon & stars for Day 4.  You will be using pieces that are single and double wide and all various lengths.

Here is the short of it.  Details follow below.

Building a lego sky to hold the sun, moon and stars

1.  Build two rows of blue to fit the length of your box.  The sky is only two dots deep (a double wide brick).

two rows of sky in legos

2.  Begin to create space for the sun.  The sun that we’re creating needs space that is 8 dots wide and 9 rows/bricks high.  Use only single wide pieces for this space.

lego sky for creation series

3.  Build 1-2 more rows depending on how tall your box is.  As you will see later, we left room for the white rays of light to show behind our sky reminding us that on Day One, God made light.

4.  Begin to create space for the moon.  Our moon needs space that is 8 dots wide and 7 bricks high.  Again, use only single wide pieces so that our moon can fit in this space.

lego sky for creation - moon

5.  At any place you would like in the sky, add two of the pieces with the front attachment as well.  This is how we will attach our stars.

add 2 of these to attach stars

6.  Continue to build up and finish your sky by adding cap pieces across the double wide pieces.

cap pieces for top of sky

On Day 2, God made the sky so blue.  And it was good.

day 2 in legos

7 Days of Creation in Legos.  Day 2- Sky

Day 3>>

Don’t miss these great ideas for Day 2 in the Creation for Kids Series:  

creation for kids series logo

 Rainbow Q-tip Painting/ Why is Sky Blue Experiment? from True Aim Education

Days of Creation Accordion from Bible Fun for Kids

Creation: Sky – No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Day 2 Paper Plate Art & Memory Cards from Walking Fruitfully

Follow True Aim Education’s board The Creation Story for Kids on Pinterest.

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 2 – Sky} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 3 – Land, Sea & Plants}


7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 3 - Land, Sea & Plants


It is Day 3 in our 7 Days of Creation in Legos series!  Today is the day we are going to get more creative in our designs and have some fun master building!  Follow the tutorials below or let your kids come up with their own Lego creations of land, sea and plants.

As I have mentioned in the previous days, all of our legos came from this one set (affiliate link).  And if you are joining us late, you can start at the beginning here.  

Our Passage for Today:

“And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.”  And it was so.  God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”  And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation:  seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”  And it was so.  The land produced vegetation:  plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.  And God saw that it was good.  And there was evening, and there was morning – the third day.”  Genesis 1:9-13

Creations for Day 3:

  • We added land to the bottom of our sky and made a little mountain.
  • The seas!  Ok, it looks a little more like a pond, but your kids will get the idea. *VIDEO Tutorial
  • We made one tree (which a bird will perch on in Day 5) and two little plants. *VIDEO Tutorial

The Land

Add green for land to the bottom of your sky and place back in your black box.

making land for creation in legos


We made a mountain (just master build to whatever design your kids like).

lego mountain for creation series

The Sea

how to make a lego sea for creation series

Can’t see the video?  Go here.

Making a sea for lego creation series - day 3

A Tree

Make a lego tree

what you need to make a LEGO tree-

How to Make a Lego Tree - step 1How to Make a Lego Tree - step 2How to Make a Lego Tree - step 3.How to Make a Lego Tree - step 4How to Make a Lego Tree - step 5How to Make a Lego Tree - step 6How to Make a Lego Tree - step 7


what you need for the shrub before you watch the video


Please ignore the half polished blue nail polish!  

Can’t see the video?  Click here.

flowering plant for creation series

7 days of creation in legos - day 3 - land, sea and plants

What will your kids make?  

<< Day 2    Day 4>>

More Day 3 Fun:

creation for kids series logo 2

Landscape collage/ Colored Flowers Experiment from True Aim Education

Creation Game Board from Bible Fun for Kids

Creation: Land, Plants & Sea- No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Follow True Aim Education’s board The Creation Story for Kids on Pinterest.

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 3 – Land, Sea & Plants} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 4 – Sun, Moon & Stars}


7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 4 Sun, Moon & Stars

Welcome back!  Have you been with us the whole week for our creation in legos series?  If not, you can start here.  We are having a blast!

Today is Day 4 and we’re talking about how God created the sun, moon and stars.  Once we build, we will add the sun, moon and stars to our sky from Day 2.  Keep in mind that all our legos in the creation series came from this set (aff link) but feel free to scrounge from whatever you already own.

Let’s read our Bible passage:

“And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on earth.’  And it was so.  God made two great lights – the great light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.  He also made the stars.  God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness.  And God saw that it was good.  And there was evening, and there was morning – the fourth day.”  Genesis 1:14-19

how to make lego sun, moon and stars


Can’t see the video?  Click here.

day 4 in legos from Genesis 114-19

lego star

7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 4

days 1-4 of creation in legos

<< Day 3     Day 5>>


More Day 4 Fun with these Great Bloggers:

creation for kids series logo 2

Creation Daily Number Flip Book from Bible Fun for Kids

Scrap Stars and Moon/ Orbit and Gravity from True Aim Education

 Creation: Sun, Moon & Stars- No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Follow True Aim Education’s board The Creation Story for Kids on Pinterest.

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 4 – Sun, Moon & Stars} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 5 – Birds & Fish}


7 days of creation - day 5 - birds & fish

Enter birds and fish!  It’s Day 5 in our Creation series in legos and today, we’re building what God created on the fifth day.

If you’ve missed our series, you can start at the beginning, here.  And don’t miss out on other great ideas and crafts from different bloggers in the Creation Story for Kids series.  All links are at the bottom.

Let’s Start by Reading our Passage:

“And God said, ‘Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky’  So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good.  God blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.’  And there was evening, and there was morning – the fifth day.”  Genesis 1:20-23

Now let’s build!  Your kids can create their own birds and fish or they can follow our tutorials below.  All our legos for the series came from this one set (affiliate link).

Building a Fish

I have to say this fish reminds me of something you’d see on Octonauts with its huge eyes.  But he is lovable nonetheless.

day 5 fish

lego fish


Can’t see the video?  Go here.

Building a Colorful Bird

When completed, this bird is ready to perch in the tree we made on Day 3.

lego bird for day 5 of creation

day 5 - bird


Can’t see the video?  Go here.

bird perched on tree - creation series in legos

The 7 Days of Creation.  Day 5 - Birds & Fish

<<Day 4       Day 6>>

More Day 5 Fun at these Blogs:

creation for kids series logo 2


Contact Paper Fish/ Bird handprint/ How fish breath under water from True Aim Education

Creation Task Cards from Bible Fun for Kids

Creation: Birds & Fish – No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Follow True Aim Education’s board The Creation Story for Kids on Pinterest.

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 5 – Birds & Fish} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 6 – Man & Animals}


the 7 days of creation in legos - day 6 man & animals

We are moving right along in our creation series!  Today, we are building according to what God created on Day 6.  Your kids can build Adam, Eve and whatever animals they would like!  We built a frog, turtle and zebra.  Well, we actually built more, but these were the ones that made the cut.

In this series, our main goal is to teach what God made on each day and to remember that He is a very creative God.  But one other thing I have discovered is how much fun I’ve had building with my kids as we work together through the days of creation!   I hope you have been enjoying this series as much.

If you’re just joining us, you can find Day 1 here.  This is the lego set (affiliate link) that we’ve been using for our entire creation series.

Let’s read our passage:

“And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds:  the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.’  And it was so.  God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds.  And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.  Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’

God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.  Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’

Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.  And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it – I give every green plant for food.’  And it was so.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.  And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.”  Genesis 1:24-31

This is a big building day, so let’s get started.

How to Build a Frog

lego frog - day 6

lego frog for day 6


Can’t see the video?  Go here.

How to Build a Zebra

lego zebra

how to make a lego zebra

Can’t see the video?  Go here.

How to Build a Turtle 

make a lego turtle

There are a lot of pictures to show you how build the turtle.  In the interest of brevity for Day 6 (ah, too late), click here to see the Turtle Tutorial step by step (in images).

Adam & Eve

adam and eve in legos

Our Adam and Eve may look a little basic but they hold true to historical accuracy in that they start off naked.  My son was insistent on Adam’s hair being super high.

day 6 - adam

day 6 - eve in legos

Can’t see the video?  Go here.


7 days of creation - day 6 man & animals

More Day 6 Fun:

creation for kids series logo


Jungle box/ What I like silhouette/ Amazing Animals from True Aim Education

Creation: Animals & Man – No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Animal Sort File Folder Game (preschool) from Bible Fun for Kids


The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 6 – Man & Animals} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 7 – God Rested}


7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 7 - God Rested

It is the final day in our Creation in Legos series.  And while on the 7th Day God rested, we still have one last item to build . . . a throne.  If you’re joining us for the first time, you can find Day 1 here and this is the lego set (affiliate link) we’ve been using for our entire creation series.

Let’s Read our Passage:

“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the severnth day he rested from all his work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”  Genesis 2:1-3

Let’s Build!

lego throne - day 7

how to make a lego throne - bricks needed


We have two different ways to build the throne.  See the step by step images below or watch the video.


Can’t see the video?  Go here.

lego throne 1

lego throne 2lego throne 3 lego throne 4 lego throne 5 lego throne 6 lego throne 7

lego throne


Talking Points for Day 7:

  • A day of rest is a pattern God has set.  What does a day of rest mean for us?
  • Do our minds and bodies need time for rest?
  • Sunday is our day of rest.  What are we supposed to do on this day?  How can we follow His example?


The 7 days of creation in legos - Day 7 God Rested

<< Day 6

creation for kids series logo 2

5 Activities to do Each Week with Kids to Keep the Sabbath Holy from True Aim Education

Creation: Rest – No Sew Quiet Book for Toddlers from Powerful Mothering

Creation Paper Plate Project from Bible Fun for Kids

The post 7 Days of Creation in Legos {Day 7 – God Rested} appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

The 7 Days of Creation in Legos


The 7 Days of Creation in Legos

My children can spend hours building, creating and playing with legos.  They build/rebuild, imagine all sorts of story lines and use their creations to reenact plots endlessly.  And yes, the little bricks are all over my house, too.  But here is the cool part:  As a mom, if I can take something my children love and use it to teach a concept or a story, I have made my teaching more effective.  

And that is where our Creation Series starts.  7 Days of Creation in Legos.  Each day, we’ll build according to what God created on a given day.  Each day’s lego creation will build upon the previous days and at the end of the week, we will have an entire creation set made of legos.

Throughout the days of our series, we will have step by step tutorials as well as video instructions.  Follow the steps and create with us or use the posts to inspire your children to master-build their own designs.  Our entire creation set has been made from this lego set (affiliate link).

Ready to build?  Click on the image below to be taken to a particular day.  

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”


The 7 days of creation in LEGOS.. Day 1 - Light

7 Days of Creation in Legos- Day 2 Sky

7 days of creation in legos - day 3 - land, sea and plants

7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 4

The 7 Days of Creation.  Day 5 - Birds & Fish

7 days of creation - day 6 man & animals

The 7 days of creation in legos - Day 7 God Rested

7 days of creation in legos

Are you joining us in the 7 Days of Creation in Legos series?  If so, be sure to let us know how it goes.  My kids and I would be thrilled if you tag me so we can see your designs!

On Instagram – @kristenbsummers
On Twitter – @CelebrateEveryD
On Facebook – CelebrateEveryDayWithMe

Happy Building!

PS-  Each day at the bottom of the post, you’ll find a link up to other great bloggers that have teamed up to teach on creation.  Don’t miss out on the fun activities, printables and experiments!

creation for kids series logo 2

The post The 7 Days of Creation in Legos appeared first on Celebrate Every Day With Me.

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